2 Years Networking Europe
The publication is a summary of the project Networking Europe - a sister project of Inclusive Europe run by the Stockholm region. It describes among others the experiences of the study visits organised in the framework of the project to diffrent european countries such as Finland, Poland, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Estonia and Denmark.
Borderless Effects
The publication presents the results of the project Inclusive Europe, a European Social fund project implemented in the Stockholm region with the aim to educate and inspire organisations in the region to use the lessons learned from other countries to develop their own business. This is called transnational cooperationand has mainly occurred through 150 trips to 12 countries, mainly in the Baltic region.
The project has been operating for about three years and has organised various training courses for about 400 participants with everything from knowledge about the EU to practical knowledge of how to execute a transnational exchange, i.e. going away on a trip and plan for how the experience will then be used at home.
Time for Innovation 3. Review of the products of the HC OP selected innovative and transnational cooperation projects
It is already the third time that the team of National Supporting Institution provides you with the publication about innovative solutions as well as solutions which result from transnational cooperation under the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013. In the publication we present the tools that have high chance to be implemented because of efficiency and innovative approach to the issue.
We would like them to be inspirational for you and contribute to solving social problems. Their use in practice will be the best recommendation for the people who created them!
Document "Borderless solutions"
Borderless solutions is a document that has been produced by Arbetsmiljöforum i Norden AB for Inclusive Europe and has been financed by the European Social Fund. It summarises and provides examples of the measures that the project Inclusive Europe has carried out.
Please also see www.inclusiveeurope.se
Time for Innovation 2. Review of the products of the HC OP selected innovative and transnational cooperation projects
Time for Innovation
KIW Brochure
Partnership Learning Manual
European Social Fund in Poland: Best Practices
European Social Fund in Poland (guidebook)