
Name of institution: Västervik municipality
Type of the organization:
  • Administration
  • Education and training organisation
  • Sweden
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Access to employment and social inclusion
  • Workers and new skills
  • Education and training
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

Västervik has an unusual high amount of young people in the ages 16-29 that are alienated from the job market. This is due to everything from a lack of education to functional deficiencies and the fact that the establishing age is ever increasing. Alienation affects a person in many ways and easily becomes the centre of ones existence. We want to take a joint grip on the entire situation: not just focus on how to write a CV but also on personal aspects. By including several different actors, both from the public and private sector, and by focusing on work as well as on free time and social interaction we want to provide them with the tools for realizing their dreams and creating a better everyday life. By strengthening the ties to the conditions of the job market and the needs of the individual we will reach our goal that half of the participants will go on to be self sustained, either by studying or working. They will also learn about entrepreneurship and social business enterprises.

Objectives to be achieved: Västervik has an unusual high amount of young people in the ages 16-29 that are alienated from the job market. This is due to everything from a lack of education to functional deficiencies and the fact that the establishing age is ever increasing. Alienation affects a person in many ways and easily becomes the centre of ones existence. We want to take a joint grip on the entire situation: not just focus on how to write a CV but also on personal aspects. By including several different actors, both from the public and private sector, and by focusing on work as well as on free time and social interaction we want to provide them with the tools for realizing their dreams and creating a better everyday life. By strengthening the ties to the conditions of the job market and the needs of the individual we will reach our goal that half of the participants will go on to be self sustained, either by studying or working. They will also learn about entrepreneurship and social business enterprises.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): To be specified.
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: To be specified.
Target group:
  • Unemployed
  • Long term unemployed
  • Immigrants Ex-offenders
  • Micro enterprises (less than 10 employees)
  • Persons from deprived rural areas
Stage of the implementation: Project under implementation
Budget of the project in EUR: 1800000
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 60000
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 30/04/2011 - 17/04/2013
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 24 months
Contact person: Ann Siklund, Anja Coe
Located in: Fishing Pool