B@ck at work

Name of institution: Alternatief vzw
Type of the organization:
  • Private
  • Belgium
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Access to employment and social inclusion
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

Reintegration of (ex)-offenders on the labour market is a very important but difficult task. The importance of employment  in order to increasing the social participation and to reduce re-offending is widely acknowledged. The gap between detention and employment is however very steep.  

  • Ex-offenders  in generally have poor educational and skill levels and  are disproportional composed of minorities and anther  vulnerable groups.
  • Ex-offenders have an negative image. There are a lot prejudices that withhold employers and organizations to hire ex-offenders.  Because ex-offenders are perceived to be a security risk, employers avoid hiring them. They also face labour market resistance to their employment, such as government services and many licensed occupations.
  • The communication between all the stakeholders concerning the employment of the (ex)-offender is complex and restricted to many rules (example privacy).

There’s a need for labour market oriented programs and strategies that improve the employability and reducing the recidivism of offenders and ex-offenders. Programs and strategies designed to close the gap between detention and employment.
 A transnational cooperation where knowledge and good practices are exchanged can lead to  new efficient and improved program for offenders and ex-offenders. We want to explore the role of social economy as stakeholder in the reintegration of (ex)-offenders.  Social economy as an employer but also as designer and executer of labour market oriented programs.
 We want to focus on the added value that social economy can create in the development of skills and competences . Alternatief vzw uses a wide range of instrument to empower vulnerable groups and improve their employability. Examples are: training targeted at the labour market , coaching during work-experience, in-house employment and career guidance.

Objectives to be achieved: 1) Exchanging knowledge and good practices concerning labour market oriented program for ex-offenders and strategies to convince employers to hire ex-offenders2) Developing new strategies and efforts aimed at facilitating the labour market readjustment of (ex)-offenders.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): 1)    Making a SWOT-analysis of -    The position and activities of the stakeholders that are participating in the reintegration of (ex-) offenders on                  the labour market.-     all the labour market oriented programs. Special focus on social economy-    strategies to convince employers to hire ex-offenders. 2)    Comparing the transnational SWOT-analyses and extracting the good practices3)    Making a  joint tutorial based on the analyses and the good practices4)    Implementing several good practices and new strategies
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: 1) A tutorial that describes good practices to reintegrate ex-offenders on the labour market. This is a practical tutorial that can be used to implement new program or strategies 2) Implementing several good practices.
Target group:
  • Unemployed
Stage of the implementation: Project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded)
Budget of the project in EUR: 0
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 0
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): to be specified
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): to be specified
Contact person: Info@alternatiefvzw.be
Located in: Fishing Pool