Jean Monnet , the founder of the European Union, was an Entrepreneur! Fostering Entrepreneurship for the Young Unemployed.

Name of institution: ASSOCIATION JEAN MONNET
Type of the organization:
  • NGO
  • France
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Access to employment and social inclusion
  • Others (put the additional information into the entry field below the project fiche)
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

In line with Jean Monnet’s principles and modes of action which led to the creation of the first European Community, we intend to “put together” young unemployed or young graduates searching for a job, with (young) entrepreneurs, being self-employed entrepreneurs or heads of small businesses, in order to exchange views and ideas about the spirit of entrepreneurship, including “job dating” sessions.
In France, these meetings and events would primarily take place in Paris and at the Jean Monnet House & Education center, located near Paris. We would also appreciate the transnational partners to organize their own “job dating” seminars if possible.
Through these opportunities to meet, we’d expect the young unemployed to find potential employers or at least “triggering” opportunities to create their own self-employment or be made aware of the opportunities to become an entrepreneur.
Like Jean Monnet, who once had an idea and he turned it into action, it is now our responsibility to create more entrepreneurs and to build on Jean Monnet’s idea to create a strong European Union with growth and prosperity for all. 
We need to stop talking about austerity and challenges and we need to start talking about opportunities, solutions and concrete proposals!

Objectives to be achieved: Our project is about organizing job dating sessions or seminars between entrepreneurs and young graduated people who face difficulties to find a first job; it was also about exchanges of good practice between entrepreneurs or federations of entrepreneurs (such as in France,  the CJD, Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants d’Entreprises see: ) in France and in Europe.Fostering entrepreneurship for young people including European mobility, as the situation of youth unemployed may be very different according to the Member States.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): Get-together sessions between young people and entrepreneurs would be transnational and involved both target groups and entrepreneurs from the different partner states.
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: The lessons learned from these activities will be published on the partner web pages. Press releases will be issued to maximize the impact and awareness raising on the results.In a country like France, where on contrary to other countries like Poland maybe, the spirit of entrepreneurship is very low, especially for young people or young graduates leaving the university with no job perspective, our ultimate objective is to reverse this mentality. This will be achieved, through contacts and exchanges of success stories of entrepreneurship, showing the opportunities offered and fighting against the “fear of entrepreneurship” which is observed in our country, where a majority of young people, among them a large proportion of the students population, are hoping for a job in the Civil Service and do not dare to launch their own businesses or create their self-employment.In that respect, Poland would be a model for the French Youth, far from the prejudice and clichés of the ‘Polish Plumber’ which were circulated a few years ago by the media and a few politicians.
Target group:
  • Self employed
  • Persons from deprived rural areas
  • Persons not active on job market
  • Persons from deprived urban neighbourhoods
  • Women
  • Young people (under 25 years old)
Stage of the implementation: Project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded)
Budget of the project in EUR: 45000
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 8000
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/09/2012-31/07/2013
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): to be agreed with partners
Contact person: Ms. Aude LEROY
Phone: +33 1 56 33 71 00
Located in: Fishing Pool