MiStra - Migrant Inclusion Strategies in European Cities

Name of institution: CIOFS-Formazione Professionale
Type of the organization:
  • Education and training organisation
  • Italy
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Access to employment and social inclusion
  • Better public services
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):
  • Lack of adaptation of VET policies and measure to real needs of migrant people and of minorities living in cities’ neighbourhoods, lack of diversity management capacities, lack of specific measures to overcome the access problems to VET and social welfare measures of migrants and minorities;
  • Difficulty, for local policy makers, to access systematically to European good practices, know-how. Other regions, territories and authorities can be a very fruitful source of inspiration, knowledge and improvement. Unfortunately, it is not evident to access to these resources, and even when there is a possibility to access, on how to use the practices found;
  • Policies at city level often lack a comprehensive and participatory approach, while in several contexts VET actors and stakeholders are not enough empowered to proactively participate and lobby in policy making;
  • Even in well performing contexts, returns of nationalisms, instrumental use of “migrants’ problems” within issues such as security, crime etc. is always a risk. Keeping the attention high on real data, needs of territories and promoting an evidence-based policy approach is a good way to reduce the risk of losing the results gained until that moment. As well, moments of political change, such as political or administrative elections are always very delicate toward social policies and approaches; institutionalising and making stable the good practices, basing on their positive outcomes, would be a good support not to disperse the results achieved;
  • The lack of inclusion of migrants and minorities often generates a spiral of negative effects, such as racism, marginalisation and discrimination in the labour market and in daily life.
Objectives to be achieved: Exploit education and vocational training measures as means to facilitate social inclusion and job placement of migrant people, including marginalized cultural minorities and Roma people; Facilitate and systematize the further exchanges between local welfare systems; Mainstream the issues linked to integration, social inclusion and VET quality in cities’ political agendas; Sharing and disseminating knowledge and competences on migrant and minorities’ social inclusion; Preventing and contrasting racism and marginalisation phenomena at different levels, namely in policy, on the job and in daily life.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): Matching, disseminating and exploiting good practices at European level on migrants’ social inclusion. The good practices selected will be transferred to target cities in need through three Local empowerment workshops in receiving contexts, Bilateral visits to target cities from experts and representatives of the best practices selected, Mentoring interventions (flash meetings, mail, web, etc.). The exploitation activities will be developed also through transnational study visits where will be involved policy makers, private and public stakeholders and any other European organisations interested. The dissemination activity foresees also a final conference in Brussels where will be involved policy makers, representatives of EU Agencies, European experts on migrants’ social inclusion, representatives of NGOs and migrants’ communities, and so on.
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: City workshops, website, Videos from the exchange experiences, Compendium of “old and new best practices on migrants’ inclusion, Toolkit for local administrators, Transnational conference.
Target group:
  • Ethnic or national minorities
  • Immigrants Ex-offenders
  • Administration (public entities including Public Employment services, education and training institutions)
Stage of the implementation: Project under implementation
Budget of the project in EUR: 399740
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 399740
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/10/12 to 31/09/14
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/10/12 to 31/09/14
Contact person: Federica Ruggiero
Phone: +39 (0) 657 299 11
Located in: Fishing Pool