Creation and implementation of the development program for vocational courses:massage technician, paramedic, assistant to people with disabilities

Name of institution: Akademia Szybkiej Nauki Tadeusz Buzarewicz
Type of the organization:
  • Education and training organisation
  • Poland
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Education and training
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

1. Those leaving the study of vocational specializations such as: massage therapist, occupational therapist, paramedic and assistant to people with disabilities after high school do not have any knowledge and practice with regard to commonly known in the world, specialized and modern methods of rehabilitation aimed at children with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome;
2. Lack of knowledge of therapy methods and criteria for development programs relating to rehabilitation means that virtually they are not included in school curricula of vocational education.

Objectives to be achieved: The project aim is to create and implement a development program for schools and institutions providing vocational training for massage technicians, paramedics, occupational therapists and assistants of disabled people in one school within Mazovian voivodeship. This program will include such items as: a. modernization of the offer of vocational trainings and adopting it to the needs of local and regional labour market by creating a module in the training curriculum of therapy for children with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome including such elements as: learning about various popular methods of therapy, learning English language with regard to medical terms used in physiotherapy, learning sign language and communication with people with disabilities; b. equipping schools and institutions providing trainings with modern didactic materials and equipment for the implementation of the therapy module; c. organizing traineeships for students in specialized therapies to work with children with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, which will take place in hospitals and various institutions.d. cooperation with labour market institutions;e. the use of innovative forms of teaching and assessment (PBL, MES, etc.) in the curriculum.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): The joint actions are aimed at creating and implementing the development program for schools and institutions providing vocational training for massage therapists, occupational therapists, paramedics and assistants of disabled people. The role of the transnational partner is to:a. select appropriate therapy methods used worldwide to work with children with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome in order to create a program and use it in the curriculum;b. reach and engage high-class specialists from all over the world working in the field of physiotherapy, neurology, neurosurgery, speech therapy and other areas involving treatment of children with cerebral palsy and Down syndrome;c. supervise the delivery of the curriculum;d. participate in the dissemination of the results.
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: The project aim is to create and implement a development program for schools and institutions providing vocational training for massage technicians, paramedics, occupational therapists and assistants of disabled people in one school within Mazovian voivodeship. This program will include such items as: a. modernization of the offer of vocational trainings and adopting it to the needs of local and regional labour market by creating a module in the training curriculum of therapy for children with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome including such elements as: learning about various popular methods of therapy, learning English language with regard to medical terms used in physiotherapy, learning sign language and communication with people with disabilities;b. equipping schools and institutions providing trainings with modern didactic materials and equipment for the implementation of the therapy module; c. organizing traineeships for students in specialized therapies to work with children with cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, which will take place in hospitals and various institutions;d. cooperation with labour market institutions.
Target group:
  • Persons not active on job market
Stage of the implementation: Project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded)
Budget of the project in EUR: 1500000
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 100000
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2014
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2014
Contact person: Tadeusz Buzarewicz
Phone: +48 501 794 799
Located in: Fishing Pool