New competences and qualifications. Comprehensive support for the unemployed in the local and regional labour market with the use of foreign solutions

Name of institution: Institute of Social and Economic Research
Type of the organization:
  • Private
  • Poland
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Access to employment and social inclusion
  • Working in partnership
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

Professional activation of unemployed people (both unemployed registered in the labour offices and economically inactive) is a major challenge for the state employment policy, especially in the context of ongoing social, economic and demographic changes that affect the structure of the labour market in Poland. The difficulties of various social groups associated with finding and keeping jobs, are direct consequences of the mismatch of labour supply (especially in the area of skills and professional competences) to labour market needs, particularly in relation to sectors, branches or fields crucial for regional development. The situation is aggravated by the negative psychological effects of unemployment, as manifested in the low self-esteem of people and as a result - low motivation to engage in any activity designed to improve their position, intensifying the passive attitude and helplessness in solving the problems of everyday life.
At the same time, due to the territorial differentiation in unemployment levels, and better ability to evaluate the specific needs and problems of the labour market and target groups (unemployed persons of working age of 15- 64, including the young people/up to 25 years of age/ not having professional experience and skills necessary to find employment, people in the so-called immobile age, those who are above 50, women, people returning or entering the labour market for the first time, or disabled persons regardless of receiving disability benefits) on the local and regional levels, on one hand, a broad-based cooperation and full involvement of institutions for the professional activation on a regional scale is needed, while on the other hand - the use of effective instruments and the comprehensive support for the unemployed and the professionally inactive, based on the foreign experiences and best practices in this area.

Objectives to be achieved: The main objective is to increase the labour market participation and employability of the unemployed (including people registered in the labour offices as unemployed and people economically inactive) and adapting their skills and competencies to the needs of local and regional labour market by implementing: a comprehensive programme of professional activation, covering in particular - the identification of those without employment, including the use of Individual Action plans, identifying training needs and opportunities for professional development in the region, organising workshops and training on job search techniques and the acquisition of key competences; psychological support and counselling of people entering the labour market and returning to work, or job placement and/or career counselling, internships/apprenticeships, training leading to the increase, complementation or change of professional qualifications, employment subsidies; and activities aimed at development of a dialogue, public-private partnership and cooperation for the development of human resources, with the use of foreign experiences.Implementation of that main objective can be attained through the implementation of specific objectives, which include, among others: strengthening of personal and professional potential of the unemployed with the use of foreign experiences; raising the level of key competences and skills to navigate the job market of the unemployed with the use of foreign experiences; adaptation of competence and professional skills of the unemployed to the needs and expectations of employers in the local and regional labour market with the use of foreign experiences; standardisation of cooperation of entities for the professional activation at the local and regional scale to raise the level of professional activation of the region with the use of foreign experiences; establishing sustained cooperation and exchange of experiences and good practices between project partners.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): Involving foreign partner in cooperation in the implementation of project tasks is planned as part of this project. Transnational cooperation will take i.a.: the implementation of activities involving adapting the solutions developed in other countries, or the joint development of new solutions for increasing the level of economic activity and employability of the unemployed and adapt their skills and competencies to the needs of local and regional labor market (including conducting research and analysis in this area), the preparation, translation and editing of publications, studies and reports developed in the course of the project, organization of the conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings (including disseminating the results of actions/initiatives), as well as counselling, staff exchanges, internships and study visits etc.
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: This project of transnational cooperation will generate added value, which would be impossible to achieve without the participation of foreign partner. The actual added value of the project will be the process of sharing knowledge, experience and mutual learning on the supranational level, which will take place at the stage of implementation. What is more, thanks to the collaboration, and support of the foreign partner, it will be possible to develop products ensuring high quality and effectiveness of actions taken, such as developing new curricula of key subjects in the context of the needs of local and regional labour market, or adaptation of new, innovative forms innovative forms of support to the unemployed and economically inactive - not yet applicable solutions by both public and private entities providing services on the labor market in our country, i.a. through the implementation of foreign placements or study visits in the partner’s country. Added value of the project, resulting from transnational cooperation, will also be the establishment of sustained cooperation of partners and the increase in the number of similar initiatives undertaken jointly in the near-term. This will also contribute to the promotion of transnational cooperation in the implementation of projects undertaken by various stakeholders in partner countries. The added value of the project will also be raising awareness in the partner countries in the field of equal opportunities and gender equality in access to employment and the need for comprehensive support of disadvantaged groups on the local and regional labour market. Institute of Social and Economic Research is open to variety of proposals in terms of cooperation within the framework of projects implemented in transnational partnership.
Target group:
  • Unemployed
  • Long term unemployed
  • Persons not active on job market
  • Young people (under 25 years old)
  • Older persons (over 50 years old)
  • Persons with mental or physical disabilities
Stage of the implementation: Project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded)
Budget of the project in EUR: 750000
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 250000
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 12 - 24 months
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 12 - 24 months
Contact person: Rafał Jaros
Phone: +48 42 633 17 99, +48 42 633 17 19
Project fiche: application/mswordfp_INSE_2.doc
Located in: Fishing Pool