Let's build the way for your success

Type of the organization:
  • NGO
  • Poland
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Access to employment and social inclusion
  • Education and training
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

Rising unemployment among young people - according to the EUROSTAT 10.2012 average of 23% of young people are unemployed, 26% in Poland and 55% in Spain. The statistics are alarming and have an upward trend, it is necessary to develop and implement a model that will affect the mobilization of young people. This group is at the end of education does not have experience. On the other hand there is a group of people over the age of 50, which also ranks high in the unemployment statistics. The combination of skills and experiences exchange of both groups can bring them tangible benefits.

INTERMENTORIG model has been developed in the framework of the EQUAL project F0613, but it is already not actual and covers a different target group - people employed.

Objectives to be achieved: Main objectives to establish this framework would be the following: 1. Communicate: the two generations are very far, much further than usual inter-generational gap. Technology or/and economic and cultural globalisation has made the world very different than the one only 2 o 3 decades ago. If you also consider that political changes have also been very profound in many coutries, the views of the world, work, and life are based in completely new rules, values, and practices. It is crutial that young and adult are able to understand (not necessarily share, but at least understand) the other perspective. To learn from diversity, not to repeat mistakes, and make their own view contrasted and richer. 2. Exchange: Different perspectives mean different approaches, different methods to face situations and solve problems. Young have to watch adults solving problems, and vice-versa, and everyone has to learn how to do things "the other way". So every group should be trained by the other on skills and ways they do not have. 3. Help: After the first two steps, we should be realistic and admit that some "features" cannot be trained, or transferred from one side to the other, as it will not be possible to live in "the other world". That is the reason why we have to articulate the tools for helping everyone to achieve the goals through the capacities he or she has not been able to develop. Mostly, it would mean to become "mentors" or "sherpas" for the group. 4. Build common spaces: It will be impossible to really bring the groups closer if they do not share something: an objective, a project, a success, a fail, ... So it is necessary to  build "neutral" meeting points, where everyone is comfortable and the communication, exchange and help can merge.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): 1. Adaptation of ready-made solutions to Polish conditions (working group of experts, study visits)2. Joint development and implementation of new transnational solutions (working group of experts, study visits)3. Trial implementation of the adapted system, periodic evaluation4. Research and analysis, publication in Polish and English5. Professional activation workshops for unemployed people under 25 years of age and above 50 years of age6. Evaluation and dissemination - organization of conferences, seminars. According to objectives, the activities we have set to develop the objectives and provide results, will concentrate in the following actions: 1. Labour market, jobs and professions: Strategy and career, how to design and develop a lifelong view of our position in the labour market, in terms of skills, actions, phases, wealth, etc. This sessions will help to emerge and contrast diferent perspectives. 2. Problem solving actions: How do everyone approach everyday situations, and what are the most common methods to take action. Personal and social communication and behaviour, with specific attention to job search and performance in the workplace. 3. Team & network building: Networking has always been important, but today, the personal and professional network is a key part of your performance, your value chain, and also of your career. Cooperation is a must for any situation, and individual action is no longer an option. Foreign partner should have experience in dealing with the situation of economic crisis associated with the transformation of the labor market, especially for people under 25 years of age and over 50 years of age and developed a solution that could be adapted to Polish conditions.
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: 1. Import and adaptation of new solutions relevant to the needs of the target group,2. Exchange of experience, expert work, study visits3. Adaptation to the Mazovia conditions of solutions developed in other countries in dealing with the situation of economic crisis associated with the transformation of the labor market4. Developing a model of training and consulting (including the adaptation of coaching techniques, mentoring, used to working with people with lower qualifications) and training materials5. Training of Polish trainers in the region to use the model developed for training, coaching, mentoring for the target groups (both at home and abroad)6. Implementation - training, coaching, mentoring for the participants of the project - (10 groups x 10 people)7. Benchmarking. Publication of adapted solutions, training and consulting model and best practices for institutions, local authorities and other stakeholders.8. Conferences disseminating developed model and results9. Build long-term partnerships.
Target group:
  • Unemployed
  • Long term unemployed
  • Persons not active on job market
  • Women
  • Young people (under 25 years old)
  • Older persons (over 50 years old)
Stage of the implementation: Project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded)
Budget of the project in EUR: 1600000
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 300000
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/05/2013 - 31/05/2015
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/05/2013 - 31/12/2014
Phone: +48 502 496 181
Located in: Fishing Pool