IT-Lyftet - Developing the content of work in elderly care by learning of new technology and IT

Name of institution: The Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities
Type of the organization:
  • Administration
  • Sweden
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Workers and new skills
  • Education and training
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

Creating learning environments for staff working in elderly care so that they are able to absorb new knowledge on IT and new technologies, such as video games (Wii, X-bow, etc.). Some of the participating municipalities have tried to offer new technology and information technology to the users. However, this has been difficult to get the staff did not have sufficient knowledge. Within certain activities in elderly care is not used technology in the work, even for example, journaling, time accounting or human resources reports, causing the step to instruct and inspire older people to use new technology becomes excessive. There is a lot of interest from local authorities to involve young people in activities which can help IT and new technologies come into their daily work. Our aim is that in everyday work integrating knowledge with the staffs own experiences and integrate their experiences into knowledge. Learning environments within the Social Fund focuses on the individual's control over their own development in the workplace. Learning environments must stimulate skills development based on the individual's development and relate it to business goals. Because of their knowledge in the field of IT and new technology not previously requested of elderly staff, we see that the gap between daring to learn and then teach the elderly is very large and would thus benefit from methods and tools that yielded good results in organizational learning. This learning will consist of time and tools for this persistent knowledge required. We are looking for transnational partners to exchange methods and new ways of looking at new technology and the learning of new technology in the caring professions. Preferably within elderly care.

Objectives to be achieved: Since 2012 is a year when it is focused on active aging in Europe, we see that there are great opportunities to find interesting partners outside of Sweden. This can give the project another dimension when the conditions and the solutions may be different from the traditions that exist in society. We seek partners who work on similar projects in Europe to have an international perspective and broaden our opportunities for knowledge. The Year recognizes the aging process by increasing numbers, are aging and longer living. In this context, lifted solidarity between generations, which is an area that tends our project application, we feel it is certainty that the project can contribute to meetings between generations. Our aim is that the learning offered is perceived as pleasurable and fun to absorb. The intention is to inspire a new approach that is possible to apply in their daily work. An effective way to acquire new knowledge in this direction is through experiential learning, learning by experiencing. We would therefore like to take part of training programs consists of a mixture of practice and theory. For example, you first listen to a lecture on the use of computer games and how good it can be to practice the game, then you get the opportunity to play to know how it feels. Sometimes you can do the opposite, try first and theorize afterwards, in order to meet different people's way of learning. We want to learn from best practice in terms of learning within larger organizations or municipalities, where they managed to incorporate new knowledge about IT a profession where knowledge not previously requested.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): We are looking for projects to visit with managers and staff in elderly care. Exchange of experiences where participants meet each other and share the experience, but also visits to various businesses. This is to take advantage of methods, results, and be inspired to implement new knowledge in your own organization.
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: We want to take advantage of and impose international thinking on IT and new technology in elderly care. Partaking of the tools and methods shown to be successful in Europe to broaden our view of the new technology applications. Make us a network that can persist even after the project that can contribute to that development continues to occur in the future. We want to see more far-reaching effects of the use of new technologies for the elderly and contribute to skills enhancement seen in an international perspective in our region and profession elderly care.
Target group:
  • Employed
  • Employed in public administration (public entities)
Stage of the implementation: Project under implementation
Budget of the project in EUR: 3000000
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 35000
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): June 2012 to: January 2014
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): February 2013 to: December 2013
Contact person: Sandra Goll-Rasmussen Nielsen
Phone: +46 733 83 40 56
Located in: Fishing Pool