Night Life Quality in POLSKA

Name of institution: NOVA Onlus Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali – Società Cooperativa Sociale
Type of the organization:
  • NGO
  • Italy
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Access to employment and social inclusion
  • Businesses undergoing change
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

Over the last 20 years, there has been a significant increase in the demand of leisure and entertainment services, the so-called loisir, all over Europe. This market, in addition to having shown trends of constant growth; has also demonstrated a particular invincibility to the system conjunctures that have characterized the macroeconomic trends of the last decade. The youth population, amongst the targets of this market, plays an important strategic role in terms of the direct economic profile; moreover the cultural and social dimensions are no less negligible. It is precisely through the teens and the young-adults that one aims to convey messages, generate demand, influence behavior and direct consumption. Within this general framework, the world of leisure and entertainment is at the heart of a system that gives birth to certain variables that are now perceived by the society as real and actual emergencies: habits and consumption patterns dictate true “ways to have fun” and therefore give birth to a mobility that entirely belongs to the youth nightlife; the commercial enterprises tend to prolong “the hours of potential consumption” and consequently the boundary between day and night is surpassed in a bidirectional manner – the days extend into the nights and vice versa due to consumption proposals without interruption. Issues related to the advancement of health, the prevention of socially at risk behaviors (i.e. road accidents), the prevention and the fight against the consumption of drugs, and lastly the promotion of a culture of safe and high-quality fun; present themselves as central and urgent themes in the sphere of promoting public policies that intend to advocate young men and women and their active participation in the economic and social aspects of life.  Last but not least, in today’s day and age it seems inevitable to act from the side of the supplier (i.e. the leisure business world) in order to promote a corporate culture oriented towards modern visions of social responsibility, of corporate citizenship, and of experimental models of participation integrated with the welfare of the community, in which every socio-economic subject is called and enabled to deliver his active contribution in a specific market that must have the mission of solely and exclusively generating well-being.

Objectives to be achieved: The purpose of the project is to create an integrated system of actions aimed at the transnational exchange of European experiences in the promotion of quality entertainment in a European context – in order to transfer contents and results to Poland. In particular, it refers to actions and experiences that have already been instated in Italy, Spain, Germany, and the UK and France. This intervention model is based on the stable, virtuous and active relationships between public authorities, profit market participants and the reality of non-profit market participants. The model aims at testing effective business models in terms of both the economic profile and the community and welfare impact that can generate a "win win" scenario; in turn ensuring growth, prosperity, a culture of safety, new opportunities for young people and new sources of employment. The main objectives are: - Gain knowledge and to carry out a comparative study between the leisure nightlife phenomenon and the promotion of quality in the world of entertainment, starting with public policy approaches and interventions; - Provide intermediate targets, and policy makers with intensive training in the leisure phenomenon and its implications on public policies. These policies whether economic, social, safety, health or mobility will be carried out in a European context. - Acquire increased competence, increased network capacity and complex systems in order to approach complex issues such as those of the government on the phenomena of nightlife with multi-stakeholder characteristics: Work together, work better; - Promote policy makers to acquire an approach which is mainly consumer oriented, to acquire and pursue common transversal objectives and to participate in multi stakeholder programs; - Conduct local experiments with social youth enterprises, which are experts on the subject matter and aim at developing public policies for the promotion of certain areas and systemic  networks in the public and private sector. This is oriented towards the creation of quality entertainment, the establishment of qualitative standards and the promotion of entertainment and leisure quality brands.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): 1. Comparative RESEARCH and stakeholder MAPPINGKnowledge of the referred territory, with in-depth examination of the presence of  and of the specific trends of the entertainment sector; mapping of youth groups and consumption of substances on a regional level; mapping of corporations, non-profit and profit making companies, and their respresentative networks interested in the project;2. TRAININGThe proposal of training courses and seminars and big events geared towards safety, both for industry insiders -- on issues regarding safe entertainment, the production and promotion of socially inspired entrepreneurship – and for youth in search of employment.  In addition the proposal of the experimental introduction of new professional figures, such as the Manager of Quality Entertainment oriented towards new themes and methodologies of preventitive interventions in the nightlife world; scientific insight into the theme of supply chain and quality label policies; insight and knowledge of the quality of the entertainment business. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF A NATIONAL SUPPORT NETWORKInvolvement of all public parties, private and non-profit organizations on issues specific to the project in order to create a stable and long-lasting political system and suited to tenders of excellence at regional and national level in Poland, connecting them to the main European networks dealing with the subject of intervention.4. FIELD TESTING of the INTERVENTION MODELDirect participation in business activities in the field (events, demonstrations, etc. ). Using these events to experiment with learning and acquisition in terms of the reorientation of the services that the project will have sugested; experimentation of the marketing ability of leisure and entertainment services in Poland. 5. TRANSVERSAL MEASURES: MANAGEMENT, REPORTING, COMMUNICATION, and EVALUATIONThese actions should allow the suitable progress of the planned actions, and the effective and efficient attainment of the project objectives on the basis of constraints established by the comissioning entity/financier, and the maximum participation of the entire partnership in the strategic and operational decisions of the project. 6. EXCHANGE PROGRAMS, STUDY and IN-DEPTH EXAMINATION visitsThe realization of events and seminars specific to the comparison, the exchange and the elaboration of the project themes on a European level with the objective of undertaking relevant horizontal and vertical mainstreaming actions; through the implementation of specific cooperation agreements with atleast four European partners (Germany, Italy, Spain). These foreign experiences will be implicated in the theme of safe entertainment.
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: Action Output Outcome 1. Research - research report, presentation of the Research Knowledge of the entertainment phenomenon and the public policies in Poland and their comparison with other European countries 2. Training - realization of a series of 48- hour specialized public seminars reserved for policy makers and public and private professionals interested in the topic. Realization of four editions of the advanced training course for safe entertainment managers, for a total of 100 young people. Establishment of two start-up social enterprises aimed at quality entertainment. Greater understanding of the phenomenon and the acquisition of new skills for the planning of public policies aimed at promoting quality entertainment. Promotion of new opportunities for economic action and intervention in the entertainment and leisure sector. - Promotion of new social enterprises for young unemployed people 3. Networking d. Realization of a national network of organizations, enterprises and their networks for the promotion of quality entertainment Increased public and private entities’ awareness of the promotion of quality interventions concerning the nightlife and containment / contrast of the phenomena related to this emergency context. 4. Experimentation a. Creation of a National program of experimental events inspired by safety and quality brand advancement. b. Prearrangement of promotion and diffusion tools for the management of entertainment activities and events in Poland.  Promote management modality and business organization awareness, as well as individual events aiming at total quality, which combine safety and health. Promote entertainment quality systemic approaches oriented towards and governed by public policy approaches. 5. Transnational a. Establishment of a steering and project management committee composed of partners b. Establishment of a scientific committee composed of European experts in the field c. Establishment of a National network committee. d. Establishment of an evaluation committee e. Establishment of a communication and support team for the project  The proper management of the project, and its procedures, themes and objectives. Maintaining the intervention quality and the dimension of the European approach to the phenomenon. Monitoring the qualitative and quantitative quality constants for the shares and interventions. Dissemination of the project and the shares to all the stakeholders and the target reference general population. 6. Exchange a. Organization of a (1) national seminar for each participating country; b. Organization of two joint visit-exchange-training seminars for each country.   Knowledge of the policies and the materialized interventions in other European contexts on the phenomenon and an in depth investigation into the methodological and systemic approaches. Exchange between professionals of the public and private sector in relation to the public and private management in the organization of large events.
Target group:
  • Social enterprises
  • Unemployed
  • Ethnic or national minorities
  • Employed
  • Employed in public administration (public entities)
  • Employed in NGOs
  • NGOs
Stage of the implementation: Project under implementation
Budget of the project in EUR: 2000000
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 400000
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/03/2013 - 28/02/2015
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/06/2013 - 31/12/2014
Contact person: Gianpietro Losapio, Małgorzata Gajda
Phone: +48 600 913 190, +48 608 081 686
Located in: Fishing Pool