Postgraduate International Degree Scheme: “ Foreign Languages in Business: English and Swedish/ English and Polish with Internships in Sweden

Name of institution: Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna
Type of the organization:
  • Education and training organisation
  • Poland
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Businesses undergoing change
  • Education and training
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

Many students of Business areas  want to obtain more worldwide perspective which is crucial in globalised economy. Poland an Sweden being neighbours are  most suitable countries to start  co-operation in this area. That is why we are looking for  Higher education institutions who would like to  design a common  postgraduate degree scheme for their students, enriched with some amount of hours of Polish language likewise we will implement  a course of Swedish for our candidates.

Objectives to be achieved: Broadening horizons, making two nations understand each other better. Enhancing intercultural communication. Adjusting students to cope with multinational environment at work. Learning less  popular foreign language.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): Two semesters of  specialised courses, in the area of management/ leadership.  Intensive courses of English and Business English, course in Intercultural  Communication, course  in Leadership, Intensive course of Swedish/Polish, Sociology, Philosophy of Business, Creative Thinking; Study visits, guest lectures, e-learning; One semester of Internship for  students, in Polish/Swedish companies.
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: Learning outcomes:Knowledge: graduates will know current trends in management and in macro- and micro-economy. Will understand the process of changes, will define problems taking into consideration cultural differences. Will  understand the roots of variety of cultures, will know the conditions  of functioning on the global market. Skills: graduates will be able to adjust to the different expectations of the global market, according to the variety of cultures. Will be able to cherish differences and use them to build  teams successfully to the benefit of the  given project and to the satisfaction  of the team members and the management. Competences:   graduates will be able to lead  team members to achieve assumed and  commonly defined  targets. Will understand the necessity of  constant and long-life learning. Will identify their weak and strong points. Will recognize the needs and necessities of members of the teams. Will show compassion towards socially unprivileged members of the society and will show willingness to help.
Target group:
  • Young people (under 25 years old)
Stage of the implementation: Project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded)
Budget of the project in EUR: 800000
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 400000
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2015
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2015
Contact person: Elżbieta Jaszczurowska
Located in: Fishing Pool