16 till 24

Name of institution: Laholm municipality
Type of the organization:
  • Others (Put the additional information into the entry field below the project fiche)
  • Sweden
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Education and training
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

The youth unemployment in Halland is high and youths have difficulties entering the labour market. Laholm municipality share this problem with the co-operation partners: Halmstad, Kungsbacka municipalities, Samordningsförbundet i Halland and Region Halland. The target group is young people (16-24) in transition between education and work. The pre-study will identify current methods and approaches used in the organizations and will give us opportunity to further development of new methods which will ease the transition between education and work.

We think that young people, that not seek support voluntarily, need long term outreach programme and coaching. To be able to match the young people´s competence and knowledge better to the needs of the local labour market and businesses we need more flexible settlements for the young people. We need to develop our methods, both in the education system as well as in the possibilities for the young people to get working experiences.


Objectives to be achieved: The projects overall objective is to contribute to a deepen unemployment for young people (16-24). More young people will succeed in the transition between education and work. The competence of the young people will be matched in a better way to the local labour market in order to get the disposable labour closer to what the local businesses need. The young people will be more employable.  The purpose of the pre-study is to prepare for an implementation project. The pre-study will identify current methods and approaches used in the organizations and will give us opportunity to further development of new methods which will ease the transition between education and work. In our transnational work we want to establish cooperation with partners who have worked with or developed methods for similar problems as we want to solve.  The pre-study will lead to an established co-operation on a local, regional and transnational level concerning dissemination of knowledge and development of methods.  
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): The purpose of our pre-study is to prepare for an implementation project. In this implementation project we want to establish a transnational cooperation with partners who have worked with or developed methods for similar problems as we want to solve. In our transnational cooperation we want to exchange information and experiences with our partners. We would like to compare our methods and hopefully we can contribute to further development and innovative solutions together. The main activities will be correspondence, meetings, workshops and seminars.In our pre-study will consider a transnational cooperation that includes the ESF-funded Learning Network on Transnational Mobility Measures for Disadvantaged Youth and Young Adults (TLN Mobility). The activities for the implementation project will be more specified during the pre-study.       
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: The transnational cooperation will give us the opportunity to get more knowledge and information concerning our problem. It will also give us possibilities to share our knowledge and established methods with others dealing with similar problems.Our aim with a transnational cooperation is to improve our project outcomes and disseminate best practice both nationally and at EU level. With a transnational partner we hope to develop innovative solutions which will help more young people to succeed in the transition between education and work.
Target group:
  • Persons not active on job market
  • Young people (under 25 years old)
  • Employed in public administration (public entities)
Stage of the implementation: Project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded)
Budget of the project in EUR: 50300
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 0
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 2014-01-02 - 2014-07-02
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 014-01-02 - 2014-07-02
Contact person: Ulf Mattsson
Phone: +46727233882
Located in: Fishing Pool