(not) Able-bodied professionals of ICT

Name of institution: Foundation De Gaulle
Type of the organization:
  • NGO
  • Poland
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Access to employment and social inclusion
  • Education and training
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

Issue: 1 The educational and professional qualifications of persons with disabilities nadequated to the needs of the labor market. 2 The low activity of social services and NGOs in solving of the problems of the disabled.
The registered education structure  of unemployed on the Lower Silesia shows that among the people with disabilities , the largest group of people are these ones with thelower secondary education ( 38.4 %) and those with vocational education (33.4 % ), data : Diagnosis of the situation of disadvantaged people in the labor market , Pentor RI, Wroclaw 2010 , further diagnosis .
No profession shows 14.7% people with disabilities ( diagnosis ). The ccupations, they  usually indicate, i.e.  construction worker (8.8 %), seller (4.9 %), mechanic / electrician ( 8.8 %), locksmith / turner (7.8 %), employee restaurants ( 6.9 %), craftsmen (8, 8%), beautician / barber (4.9 %) are among the 30 jobs with the highest number of registered unemployed on the Lower Silesia (Rank of deficit and surplus in the Lower Silesian Voivodship in 2012, DWUP ) . People with disabilities have inadequate qualifications to the needs of the market.
According to the DWUP data, the list of shortage jobs on the labor market are, among others : the operator of computer networks, computer peripheral equipment operator, an operator of computer systems, computer applications, word processing . These are jobs that specific skills in IT are required.
The opportunity to remove personal barriers of people with disabilities are personal trainings, pursuing the individual needs to people with disabilities in the field of computing.  For 42.4% of people with disabilities such training will help to get a new profession (source: Diagnosis ). These activities , due to the specific needs of people with disabilities, must be tailored to their needs ( eg, proper training rooms , a small group with experienced trainers ) .
Certified IT skills are seriously considered in the labor market , confirm to acquire the specific knowledge and skills . The computer skills acquired during these standardized quality training to the participants will help them to establish or improve the labor market position . For such are recognized training leading to get the certificate ECDL CORE.
The project involves the support for each participant in the form of:
- Meetings with a professional counselor (preparation of the Individual Action Plan)
- Disabled Persons Assistant services and transport services for participants
- the course on interpersonal communication, team working
- the organization of training courses - ECDL (www.ecdl.com), the participants are entitled to scholarship / grants
- the length of services with the employers organization –the  internships in firms that could use the knowledge of those participants which they acquired during the ECDL training, the participants are entitled to scholarship / grants
- the employment for trainees: 20% of participants internships
- Support for employers in the field of knowledge about funding for jobs for disabled people

Objectives to be achieved: The increase of professional competence in the field of IT for 24 people with disabilities ( 12 women and 12 men), unemployed and inactive population by the end of the month DS December 2014. The increase in self-esteem of people with disabilities by raising of the professional qualifications thanks to the project. Changing attitudes of people with disabilities to the opportunities of raising level of education, their skills and competences. The increase of the NGOs  involvement in solving problems of the disabled in improving skills and qualifications and the elimination of social exclusion those social group.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): The exchange of knowledge and experiences of institutions / NGOs outside of Poland in the area of people with disabilities training (IT field ) The implementation of "best practices" that could be achieved in other projects of similar scope
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: The acquired skills by members of NGOs in solving problems of people with disabilities in the local labor market and in the improvement of professional skills for people with disabilities.Established contacts between Polish organization and foreign organization in addressing the problems of the disabled.
Target group:
  • Unemployed
  • Persons with mental or physical disabilities
  • NGOs
Stage of the implementation: Project under implementation
Budget of the project in EUR: 452381
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 47619
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): From July 2012 to December 2014
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): From March 2014 to December 2014
Contact person: Iwona Stach-Janyst
Phone: +48 535-940-511
Located in: Fishing Pool