Inter Regional Collaboration to help Young People with disabilities to enter the labour market

Name of institution: Swedish Social Insurance Agency
Type of the organization:
  • Administration
  • Sweden
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Access to employment and social inclusion
  • Better public services
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

FLÄTAN is a project in which Social Insurance Agenc, Empoyment Agency, local governments together with eg the business community and representatives of the social economy, should have a consensus based on the individual needs and which players take responsibility for the entire process from a holistic approach. Consideration should be given to project participants' life situation, needs, motivations and circumstances. The target group is approximately 1800 persons with disabilities. Many in the audience are young men and women with psychiatric or neuropsychiatric disabilities. With Social Insurance Agency as owner of the project, six sub-projects consisting of coordinating associations in three Regions; Östergötland, Södermanland and Västmanland build a network to bring together the rich experience of each coordination associations have and will develop.

Objectives to be achieved: •    Barriers is today stopping people with disabilities from participating fully in society. One important barrier is how to enter the labor market. We would like to learn and share good experiences from other counties how to involve employers and business and how to extend the social economy. •    In order for all people with disabilities to be able to shape their own life’s, general support needs to be complemented with customized support and service. We need to see the individual!What experiences of good practice exist in other European countries regarding empowerment?
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): •    Target group (Participants training in other countries)•    Co-workers meetings and collaboration together with other projects•    Managers meetings and collaboration together with other projects•    Executive managements meetings and collaboration together with other projects
Located in: Fishing Pool