Café Herman

Name of institution: Living Stone Dialoog vzw
Type of the organization:
  • Education and training organisation
  • Belgium
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Businesses undergoing change
  • Better public services
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

Café Herman* aims to establish an inclusive, multicultural European network of small urban diversity centres under the umbrella of a public-private partnership and branded by a common name/shared values.

PPP: Private partners are migrant/minority entrepreneurs from multiple cultural roots; the public partners  are local government related organizations active in the social economy.  Café Herman is changing the rules: it is a big step for both the public and the private partner to move from social economy to a social enterprise pursuing economic and social profit. A Café Herman new style diversity centre is a meeting place for minority community members in a stimulating, trendy and joyful atmosphere that also attracts local customers looking for new experiences.An existing cultural centre or café can be transformed, or a new centre created.

  • Components draw from the talents and creativity of the working partners : food & drinks, music and arts, courses and workshops (language learning, cooking, handicraft, ecological traditional techniques,  ..), business networking and job mediation, B&B and community tours.
  • The public partners’ task  is in the backing:facilitating acces to financing and legal advice, to employment measures and vocational training,  privileging the participation of women at the entrepreneurial process, exploring a code of conduct of fair partnership, fair investment, fair entrepreneurship with partners from a different culture.

Why new style ‘meeting places’?
Some immigrants or minority citizens want a second chance in their new homeland, aspire to become their own boss whatever their status or reasons for emigration. A restaurant/café is among the first and most accessible choices to start a business.  The inclusion rates and economic weight of migrant/minority community meeting places however call for a ‘different’ success story.
Inspired by the vibrant multicultural scene in major European cities, and building on in-depth experience with a network of traveller cafés across 4 continents, Living Stone Dialoog wants to explore the potential of a PPP to jointly set up and manage an intercultural meeting place, speeding up value creation by a vulnerable entrepreneur and an embryo for employment for his lower skilled community members. For a much needed European dimension, we are looking for transnational partners that are open to social innovation and a beneficiary-centred approach.
The deployment of a creative economy in a township has positive impact on investment and employment. Success and status of immigrant /minority business owners open perspectives for a better future for their family and community members.

We do not believe in a ‘one size fits all’ business model. Café Herman builds on a shared vision but allows difference in expression and realizations.   We build a common framework in the definition phase; we design, develop and implement a model in a major town in Flanders (B); we expect our European partners to create the conditions for a start-up in their country/region, adding en route a much needed international dimension to the project.


Objectives to be achieved: Co-creation of a competitive business model based on value innovation: Creation of a new, uncontested market place (winning over entrepreneurial migrants/minority leaders, strength from a common European brand name). Create and capture new demand (upgrading of service offering, new products, thereby maximizing the use of measures, training and financing facilities in the social economy context). Align the whole concept including social and economic investment needs and profit targets, suggest a connected management system that allows self and peer management.  A documented business case for the public partner Targetted dissemination of the business model and business case. Reflection on the lessons learned: suggest changes for high impact social service delivery to migrants/minority members.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): Contribute to the Café Herman business model roadmap/framework: Feasibility phase: analysis of local conditions, procedures, obstacles to set up a PPP - starting from the Flemish approach  (local language, summary in E; including exchanges with migrant/ minority leaders and public service providers - and a European kick-off workshop). Planning phase: documenting steps and conditions for a PPP-blueprint (local language, summary in E; including desk research and checks with valued experts). Implementation phase: write an adjusted, custom enriched  PPP-blueprint based on the Flemish experience  (local language, translation in E, including a European workshop and final check by national experts). Sustainability phase:  Dissemination of the blueprint by direct contact with public services interested by the ‘Café Herman public-private partnership’  - supported  by a European project closing event. 5.2.2. Prepare the next step beyond the project completion: the setting up of a PPP for a Café Herman-meeting place connected to similar initiatives across Europe.
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: Outputs, deliverables: An evidence based check of the Belgian feasibility study: country specific recommendations, conditions for social benefits. An evidence based check of the Belgian blueprint for the establishment of the PPP: country specific recommendations, adaptations. A national blueprint for local public services to set up a PPP ‘Café Herman’-type business model.  Outcomes Transformation of services to immigrant/minority entrepreneurs: lessons learned from reflection on experience. The power of a strong brand: interested people buy, we shouldn’t sell. At least one city/public service willing to set up a PPP ‘Café Herman’ in your country.
Target group:
  • Social enterprises
  • Unemployed
  • Ethnic or national minorities
  • Employed
  • Immigrants Ex-offenders
  • Micro enterprises (less than 10 employees)
  • Self employed
  • Persons not active on job market
  • Employed in micro enterprises (less than 10 employees)
  • Persons from deprived urban neighbourhoods
  • Women
Stage of the implementation: Project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded)
Budget of the project in EUR: 250000
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 62500
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/12/2012-30/11/2014
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/04/2012-30/04/2014
Contact person: KHOUNG, Belle-Rosa Project coordinator
Phone: +32 15 407 512
Located in: Fishing Pool