Modern University in modern Europe

Name of institution: Wroclaw University of Economics
Type of the organization:
  • University, research institution
  • Poland
Thematic scope of the project:
  • Workers and new skills
  • Education and training
Problems to be solved (justification of the need of the transnational cooperation):

According to strategic and programme documents  for the years 2013 – 2020, the role of universities in building knowledge-based economy cannot be overestimated. HEI should take measures aimed at both better preparing their graduates for the current labour market needs, as well as at greater openness to local / regional community through activities in the field of lifelong learning. With this in mind Wroclaw University of Economics intends to prepare an innovative transnational project, whose areas of interest will be: 

  • Development of modern and effective models of lifelong learning based on good European practices. Raise in participation of universities in lifelong learning for adults. Introduction of an attractive education offer in light of the EU challenges for the years 2013 - 2020.
  • Close cooperation between academic and business worlds in order to better prepare students and graduates to start their careers. Development of effective solutions for monitoring  graduates’ career paths and thus, their adaptation to current market requirements.
  • Increased activity of universities in the area of current social problems, including programs for prolonging professional activity of people with extensive professional experience - 50+ age group). This is particularly important given the fact that Poland has one of the lowest employment rates in Europe in the age group 50 - 64 years. 
  • Support for adult trainers whose raise in qualifications and competence also translates into increased professional activity of adults trained.

Wroclaw University of Economics is in the top 5 public economic universities in Poland, which employs 1500 staff and educates 17 000 students on 3-degree studies. It has extensive experience in the above mentioned issues. The implementation of four development projects (since 2008; total budget exceeding 13 mln EUR) and active participation in the first programming period led to establishing Department of Development Projects as a separate university unit, whose main aim and field of expertise is to apply and carry out projects enriching university educational offer and adapting it to the current needs of the labour market. Over the years a database of employers cooperating with WUE has been created (student internships, seminars and lectures led by business practitioners). In the area of continuous education WUE offers a number of short training courses aimed at improving competence and qualifications of people working in Lower Silesia (south - western part of Poland). We have taken steps towards the preparation of teachers to work as  adults’ trainers. We believe that participation in the Working Life Forum will create an excellent opportunity for networking with foreign institutions interested in joint activities for students, graduates and adults in the labour market and that the international exchange of experiences in these areas will result in developing effective and efficient solutions for the benefit of both parties.

Objectives to be achieved: Development of coherent and comprehensive strategies and programs for lifelong learning covering and connecting all types (formal/informal) and levels of learning (higher education, vocational training, lifelong learning), as well as methods for their validation. Customizing the offer to various age groups and people with different professional experience and backgrounds. Developing effective learning opportunities for 50+ age group to reduce competence gaps and extend period of their professional activity.
Main transnational activities (as provisionally planned, to be confirmed with partners): Conducting research and analysis on successful models of lifelong learning used in other European countries. Conducting research and analysis on successful models of monitoring graduates’ career paths. Conducting research and analysis on organization and preparation learning opportunities for adults. Developing solutions for effective cooperation with employers. Developing solutions to improve the competence of teaching staff in order to enhance the quality of teaching. Joint development and testing of innovative tools and practices and / or adaptation of solutions developed in another country. Transfer of good practices at transnational level: conferences, seminars and study visits promoting development and implementation of strategies. Editing, translation and publishing of articles, studies and reports.
Planned deliverables & outcomes of TNC: Development of  training courses for lifelong learning, including the offer  dedicated for people with extensive professional experience (group 50 +), both in a traditional form, as well as blended - and e-learning. Implementation of the offer developed. The development of new teaching materials. Development  and implementation of new study programs, including doctoral programs taught in English. Development and implementation of  an effective model of graduates’ career paths monitoring. Development and conducting training courses aimed at facilitating students entering the labour market. Preparation and conducting trainings in the fields of foreign languages, teaching methods etc. for the trainers of adults.
Target group:
  • Employed
  • Persons not active on job market
Stage of the implementation: Project Idea (projects in preparation phase without grant awarded)
Budget of the project in EUR: 1250000
Budget of transnational activities in EUR: 100000
Duration of the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
Duration of transnational activities within the project from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy): 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
Contact person: Ewelina Kaczmarek
Phone: +48 71 3680947
Located in: Fishing Pool