Transnational Cooperation Projects’ Team activities concentrate on the support for the transnational cooperation projects implemented within the Human Capital Operational Programme in Poland. The tasks of the Team are mosty complying the issues directed on the tailor made support of the project promoters during their search for transnational partners - especially through the organisation of the transnational partner foras and through the counselling support for the Intermediate Bodies and other institutions.
Another important area of the Team’s activity is its cooperation within the „Inclusive Europe” transnational project, which is implemented in close cooperation with a Swedish partner – organisation Arbetsmiljoeforum. The „Inclusive Europe” project is focused on the increased intensity of transnational cooperation in Europe within the ESF.
Teams’ activities are also aimed at the intensification of transnational cooperation in Europe within the ESF: it’s members cooperate within the European Learning Network for Transnational Cooperation in the ESF and the ESF Baltic Sea Network.
Katarzyna Tyczko – Coordinator of the Team for Transnational Cooperation Projects
Katarzyna Tyczko is responsible for the tasks’ coordination of the NSI Transnational Cooperation Projects’ Team, especially for the counselling and transnational partner search suport. Persons interested in individual counselling are welcome to contact her. Katarzyna will also provide you with all necessary information on the current Teams’ activities, complying its transnational dimension. You can also ask Katarzyna questions on the specificity of the transnational cooperation projects within the Human Capital Operational Programme as well as on the development of the „Inclusive Europe” project.
Beata Rybicka-Dominiak
Beata Rybicka-Dominiak is responsible for an adequate support to entities responsible for the implementation of the transnational cooperation projects, especially through consultations and counselling complying their specificity, conducting trainings and meetings as well as providing support to Polish and foreign project promoters looking for transnational partners. Beata is also responsible for elaborating studies and giving opinions on documents on the transnational cooperation.You can contact Beata on the above mentioned issues. Additionally, you can contact her on the issues related to the activities of the European Learning Network on Transnational Cooperation in the ESF and transnational cooperation agreements.
Magdalena Karczewska
Magdalena Karczewska is responsible for providing suport to the entities involved in the implementation process of the transnational cooperation projects, especially through consultations and counselling complying their specificity, conducting trainings and meetings as well as providing support to Polish and foreign project promoters looking for transnational partners. Magdalena is also responsible for elaborating studies and giving opinions on documents on the transnational cooperation.You can contact Magdalena on the above mentioned issues. Additionally, you can contact her on the issues related to the elaboration of the calls for proposals’ documents for transnational cooperation projects, implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, as well as calls for proposals for the transnational cooperation projects in Poland.
Maciej Jamrozik
Maciej Jamrozik is responsible for supporting entities involved in the implementation process of the transnational cooperation projects, especially through consultations and counselling complying their specificity, conducting trainings and meetings as well as providing support to Polish and foreign project promoters looking for transnational partners. Maciej is also responsible for elaborating studies and giving opinions on documents on the transnational cooperation.You can contact Maciej on the above mentioned issues. Additionally, you can contact Maciej on the issues related to the implementation process of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, European Learning Networks, Transnational Contact Points (in Poland and abroad), european databases complying information on the potential transnational project partners (especially the Fishing Pool database) as well as calls for proposals for the transnational cooperation projects in Poland.