ABC of Transnational Cooperation under ESF in Poland Print

What are transnational cooperation projects in Poland (PWP)?

Transnational cooperation project requires:

  • joint project activities within a partnership with at least one partner from abroad (not only from the EU);
  • added value of transnational cooperation;
  • eligible transnational activities according to the requirements of the Human Capital Operational Programmme (Polish ESF programme);
  • signature of the letter of intent and a transnational cooperation agreement.

There are two types of transnational cooperation projects:

  • a so called stand–alone transnational cooperation project, where the entire scope of the project (including the main aim and the detailed purposes of the project) will be focused on transnational cooperation;
  • a project with a transnational component, where just one part of the project is connected with a transnational cooperation.

What are the eligible project activities?

There are 5 transnational cooperation models, which indicate the aim of a transnational cooperation. These are:

  • Exchange of information and experiences;
  • Parallel development of innovative solutions;
  • Import, export and adaptation of new solutions to the relevant situation;
  • Joint development of a product or system – a division of tasks geared towards achievement of a common objective;
  • Exchange of key personnel on the project team or project participants.

Six forms of eligible transnational activities directed on the implementation of the (mentioned above) transnational cooperation models:

  1. Organising conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings;
  2. Research and analysis activities;
  3. Preparation, translation and publication of studies and reports;
  4. Adaptation of solutions developed in another country;
  5. Consulting, exchange of workers, placements and study visits;
  6. Development of new solutions.

Most important and challenging are the forms indicated in point nr 4 and 6.

3 forms of transnational cooperation:

  • Cooperation between projects;
  • Cooperation between networks;
  • Twinning cooperation (cooperation of twin institutions from the public sector).

What is the essence of a transnational cooperation project in Poland?
ADDED VALUE, which complies concrete aims of the project and PRODUCTS possible to achieve and develop only and exclusively with transnational partners.

What are the required documents beside the project application?

  • LETTER OF INTENT, which is an initial cooperation declaration between a project promoter and the transnational partner(s). It has to be attached to the initial project application within a call for proposals or submitted while the transnational component is introduced in the course of project implementation, i.e. is submitted as a modification to the original project application. It is not a legally binding document and its signature does not cause any legal consequences.
  • TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT, which has to be signed by the project promoter and transnational partners. It specifies the most important issues related to the transnational cooperation between the partners (common objectives, planned products, description and schedule of activities, financial provisions, etc).

Costs of establishing transnational cooperation are eligible under the condition they are indicated in the project application within the period of its implementation.

docxModel of the minimum scope of a transnational cooperation agreement

docLetter of Intent (pl-eng version)

Transnational cooperation projects - how can they be financed in Poland?

Transnational cooperation can be financed accordingly to the advantages it brings for the project, applying:

  • a reciprocity principle – everybody pays for himself, or:
  • a cost division principle – partners divide the costs between themselves, according to their project responsibilities;
  • ONLY in exceptional situations there is a possibility to cover the costs of a transnational partner with the resources of the Human Capital Operational Programme (Polish ESF Programme);
  • ELIGIBILITY of expenses – all project expenses covered by HCOP have to meet the specific requirements of the Human Capital Operational Programme.

Most important documents and publications:

pdfHuman Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013

pdfDetailed description of the Priorities of Human Capital Operational Programme

pdfTransnational Cooperation Projects. A Guide for Project Promoters

pdfPartnership without Borders

pdfEuropean Social Fund in Poland (guidebook)


Model of the minimum scope of a HC OP transnational cooperation agreement:

