Objectives of the call that should be included: design of tourism strategies, promotion of tourism in regions in crisis, exchange of good practices, development of networks with public and private, public-private partnerships and integration of enterprises into regional strategies, improve quality of European tourism offer by cross-boarder cooperations, trengthen the management skills of public, private bodies.
The main objectives of the project are to fight against social exclusion and unemployment in the target groups (unemployed and persons not active at work) and adapt foreign methods of training and consulting services to the local situation.
Would you like to cooperate with a Polish organization? (call for proposals in Pomorskie region)
27 May 2013Transnational Cooperation gives you the opportunity to adapt solutions developed in another country and/or jointly develop new solutions.
Would you like to cooperate with a Polish organization? (call for proposals in Podkarpackie region)
26 April 2013Cooperation possibility with Polish organizations working with Social and vocational activation of persons threatened by social exclusion.
Would you like to cooperate with a Polish organisation? (call for proposals in Warminsko - Mazurskie region)
26 April 2013Would like to cooperate with Polish organizations working with support for the unemployment on the regional labour market.
Would you like to cooperate with a Polish organisation? (call for proposals in Swietokrzyskie region)
26 April 2013Would like to cooperate with Polish organizations working with Improvement of attractiveness and quality of vocational education.
Would you like to cooperate with a Polish organization? (a call for proposals in Kujawsko-Pomorskie region)
10 April 2013A call for proposals in Kujawsko-Pomorskie region 1/POKL/9.2/E.1.1/2013 for projectc only partly developed in transnational cooperation (projects with a transnational component).
Would you like to cooperate with a Polish organization? (call for proposals in Lubuskie region, Priority IX HC OP)
08 April 2013Marshal’s Office/ Department of European Social Fund in Łódź has launched the call for proposal no POKL/I/9.1.2/PN/13 for projects wholly implemented in transnational cooperation (stand alone TNC projects) and those that are only partly developed in transnational cooperation (projects with a transnational component) in the Human Capital Operational Programme.
Would you like to cooperate with a Polish organization? (call for proposals in Lubuskie region)
12 March 2013Marshal’s Office/ Department of European Social Fund in Zielona Góra has launched the call for proposal no 1/POKL/9.1.2/PN/2013 for projects wholly implemented in transnational cooperation (stand alone TNC projects) and those that are only partly developed in transnational cooperation (projects with a transnational component) in the Human Capital Operational Programme.
Prolongation of time for submission of applications within the call for proposals in Podkarpackie region (9.1.2)
08 March 2013Transnational Cooperation gives you the opportunity to adapt solutions developed in another country and/or jointly develop new solutions. Would like to cooperate with Polish organizations working with equalization of educational chances of students from groups with hindered access to education and diminishing the disproportion in the quality of educational services.