Polish school (Zespoł Szkoł Nr 1 im Jakuba Stefana w Zgierzu) is looking for a transnational partner to the project concerning support for students in higher school.

The aims of project ROMA bez granic (Roma without limits) are:
• Increasing the level of social and professional activity;
• Reducing areas of social exclusion.

First of all the main aim it is to use and adapt verified solutions. And the other thing it is to develop new solutions for the region with the participation of partners within transnational cooperation, even if it has been used in different location and circumstances.

Transnational Cooperation gives you the opportunity to adapt solutions developed in another country and/or jointly develop new solutions.
Would like to cooperate with Polish organizations working within Support to developing professional qualifications and counselling for enterprises

National Supporting Institution - Center of European Projects has prepared a document - General rules for project promoters regarding financial aspects of Transnational Cooperation Projects under the Human Capital Operational Programme (HC OP). The text is a working translation of a chapter Projects within transnational cooperation of the ESF programming document: The rules for financing of projects under HC OP dated 1st January 2013.

Would you like to cooperate with Polish organizations working within Supporting the development of professional skills and consultancy for enterprises


NSI would like to inform that the time for submission of project applications has been prolonged till 30th of August 2013 within this call.


For detailed information please see the attachment below.




Would like to cooperate with Polish organizations working within support for the unemployed on the regional labour market?

Transnational Cooperation gives you the opportunity to adapt solutions developed in another country and/or jointly develop new solutions.

Would like to cooperate with Polish organizations working with Strengthening and development of didactic potential of universities?

Would like to cooperate with Polish organizations working with social-vocational activation of Roma community on the following type of activities: Projects comprising activities in the field of employment, education, social integration and health, contributing to social - vocational activation of Roma community.

Transnational Cooperation gives you the opportunity to adapt solutions developed in another country and/or jointly develop new solutions.

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