Would like to cooperate with Polish organizations working with Support to cooperation of scientific environment and enterprises on the following types of activities:
Support to enterprises based on trainings and/or counselling for employees of enterprises carry out by scientific workers of scientific institutions and higher schools directed to implementation of innovations in enterprises.
Are you interested?
All institutions/organizations interested in cooperation with Polish entities within the call are kindly asked to fill in the attached project fiche and send it to the following e-mail addresses:
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; CC:
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In order to ease the partner matching process, please include the number of the call and name of the region in the file title (e.g. “call number_region name”).
More information
Time for submission of applications: 28th of February 2014 – 18th of April 2014.
Further information on the call is found in the attachment (Info_on_call_for_proposals_Lubuskie_8_2_1_2014).
More detailed questions with regards to this call, please contact directly:
Marshal’s Office/Department Of European Social Fund
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General information on transnationality under EFS in Poland is available on the National Supporting Institution website: http://www.kiw-pokl.org.pl/index.php?lang=en .
We would very much appreciate your support in disseminating this massege among all entities that might be interested in cooperation with Polish organisations under the call. All interested in such a cooperation are requested to fill in a project fiche (PROJECT_FICHE_2014.doc) and send it directly to regions and to the NSI.
For more information about the NSI please enter: http://www.kiw-pokl.org.pl/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=409&Itemid=378&lang=en (English version).